Searching vehicle...

Searching multiple databases. "please be patient."

How to Get Your REVs Check Report

When you order online, we automatically check the various national registers/databases for information on the vehicle for you. Then, we quickly summarise the data into a simple and easy-to-read report. This all takes less than 2 minutes to complete, most of which can be done in 3 minutes or less. Your report is then emailed to the email address you provided. (So, make sure you use the correct VIN and email address when you place your order).

Enter VIN/Rego Number

Enter the 17-character vehicle identification number (VIN) into the search form. You can also search using the registration (rego) number.

Make Payment

Follow the instructions to make payment. The platform is secure, payments checked out by the gateway you choose, and the info not stored.

Get Your Report

Your report will be automatically generated after pulling the data from the various government sources and sent to you by email.

Your Free REVs Check is now PPSR

Free REVs Checks have been upgraded to the Australian Government's PPSR Check system. You get a comprehensive car history report that now includes REVs and PPSR information. The Car History Report and the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) certificate details all the vehicle history information in an easy-to-use report that gets sent straight to your email.

So, are you buying a used car/vehicle?

Make an informed decision and avoid those lemons!

Free REVs Check Report has got you covered. When you find that car, truck, bike, caravan, or trailer that you want to buy, it's time to run that vehicle history report. Then, for only $9.90, we run a car history check for you. After we generate the data, we send you the detailed, user-friendly PPSR/REVs check report.

Each VIN is unique to a vehicle. So, make sure the VIN you input is accurate before submitting your online REVs check.

What's Included in Your Report?

Your detailed REVs Check Report with PPSR Certificate will carry all the information listed below.

Vehicle Details

Outlines the engine number, make, model, year, and colour of the vehicle being checked.

Written-Off Record

You'll get a history of collisions, flood damage, and inspections conducted of the vehicle.

Encumbrance History

Find out if the vehicle has an outstanding loan and the contact information for the loan details.

Theft Record

Determine if the vehicle was ever stolen with police records, engine, and number plate theft.

Takata Airbag Recall

Use the VIN check to find out if the vehicle is under recall because of faulty airbags that may explode.

Registration Info

Confirm the state/territory and vehicle registration details match the VIN number.

Plus get FREE FINANCE UPDATES for 14-days after purchase so you can know if anything has been changed on the encumbrance owing before you finalize the sale.

REVs Check Report with the Official PPSR Certificate.

Each REVs check report comes with the official PPSR certificate with your purchase.

This Personal Property Security Register Certificate summarises the registration details, write-off history, finance and stolen vehicle checks information. And all you need to do to get started is enter the VIN or Rego number to access Australia's affordable REVs Check report.

Why choose Free REVs Check Report?

Before buying a used car, you should order a REVs check report. Working with us, you get a safe and reliable online platform to get your detailed car history report without any hassle.

So, if you want to buy a used car with peace of mind, then a REVs check report is a must. (Just remember that your REVs check details are now included in the PPSR Report).

You access checks across Australia no matter which state you're in. Get reliable car history checks Australia-wide:

  • REVs Check NSW - New South Wales
  • REVs Check VIC - Victoria
  • REVs Check SA - South Australia
  • REVs Check QLD - Queensland
  • REVs Check WA - Western Australia
  • REVs Check ACT - A. Capital Territory
  • REVs Check TAS - Tasmania

Buy Your REVs Check Report with Confidence

We are Australia's Trusted Source for Vehicle History Checks and your affordable REVs Check Report and PPSR Certificate provider. So, if you want a stolen vehicle check, car finance check, and car history check, then you are in the right place.

Quick Service

Reports are created almost instantly. Submit your payment, and your report is generated within 30 seconds - 3 minutes and sent to your email. If the government website is down for maintenance, the report will be sent to your email as soon as it's back up.

Reliable Information

All the information is pulled directly from official sources for authenticity and reliability. Our state-of-the-art technology generates the information by matching the VIN you provided with the right vehicle in the government databases.

Secure Payment

Use our secure platform and enjoy a safe system to pay for your car history check. We do not store your payment or private information. And we do not share your email address with anyone. Your payment is processed safely and quickly.

Will Free REVs Check Work For You?

As an advanced car history report generation platform, we've been helping Australians make informed decisions when buying used cars. There are many platforms out there, but they know we are affordable, the reports are detailed. They can rely on us for the right type of information before they put up their hard-earn dollars to buy a second-hand car.

Personal Car Owners

Individuals who are buying used cars know that they must do their due diligence. And this starts with getting a car history report. So, they use Free REVs Check to check that they aren't buying a lemon or a vehicle with finance owing, leaving them in more debt.

Used Car Sellers

Our used call sellers normally offer vehicle trade-in deals and need to validate that the vehicle is legitimate. So, they use Free REVs Check to verify the VIN, registration, and other car history details so they can determine the right value for the trade-in.

Know instantly if it's a used car that you should buy/trade or avoid!

REVs check reports are generated so fast that you can order and receive one while you're looking at the used car you're thinking about buying or trading.

Get Your REVs Check Report Online Now

Instant access to a detailed car history report from only $9.90


REVs Check Frequently Asked Questions

What is REVs Check?

REVs means Register of Encumbered Vehicles. This register has been replaced by the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR). But most Aussies still use REVs check when they're searching online for a free vehicle history check.

The REVs Check/PPSR Report carries important details like stolen vehicle status, write-off data, encumbrance history so that you can make an informed decision when buying a second-hand car.

How are your REVs check prices so low?

We focus on the official information that can make or break a car sale. The important information like car stolen status check, finance owing and to whom, damage & written-off record are officially recorded by the Australian government on a variety of platforms. We pull that information quickly for you.

Some platforms that offer other types of information like odometer readings and market value data for a higher-priced report are offering their best guesstimates. These are assumptions about the state of the vehicle that may not be grounded in actual facts. So, you'll need to independently verify this information.

Your site is called Free Revs Check, but it's not a free car history check. Why?

Platforms like ours used to be able to offer REVs check free. Some persons still think you can get vehicle finance check free. But the official REVs register has been merged into the Australian Personal Property Security Register (PPSR). The PPSR now comes at a cost.

So, we are pulling the data from the Australian government NEVDIS and PPSR databases, so you get a single, comprehensive fact sheet. Once we have the information, we put it together in an easy-to-read report so you can quickly glance through the information before you make an offer on a used vehicle.

What is the VIN, and what if I don't have the VIN number?

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique 17-character code that identifies a vehicle. It's an alpha-numeric code that is specific to only one vehicle as no two vehicles should have the same VIN. The code identifies the country in which the vehicle was manufactured, the manufacturer, vehicle type, model/series/engine size, model year, assembly plant and the vehicle's production number.

You can find the VIN on the registration papers. It's also located on the front of the dashboard on the driver's side of the car, or the driver's side door pillar.

The good thing is that we can do a search by both the vehicle identification number and the registration number. Our rego search is a license plate lookup tool that searches based on the plate number.


Our Best Articles To Read

The secret to buying a used car in Australia

Buying a second-hand car is more than choosing the car type and model and wondering about the mileage on the vehicle.

Because buying a used car comes with certain risks, especially since you can end up with a lemon.

But did you know that you could end up losing the vehicle altogether?

Yes, if you buy a vehicle from someone who has finance owing, the financier can repossess the vehicle if the loan isn't repaid.

So, what's your best option when buying a second-hand car?

What can you do to ensure you don't lose your new vehicle to repossession? Or that you spend all your time in a garage fixing all sorts of problems because it was a lemon?

You could have a mechanic check over the vehicle. But what if they miss something or the vehicle isn't close by? That could be a wasted trip.

So, your best option and the ideal place to start is with a car history check - a quick online check that you can do in less than 5 minutes.

Getting a detailed REVs Check

Before buying a used car, make sure you get a PPSR/REVS check report. It outlines the full history of the vehicle so you can know what chances you're willing to take with this used car.

For a fraction of the cost of that used car, you can get a detailed history in an easy-to-read report plus an official PPSR Certificate generated by the Australian Financial Security Authority.

If you want to see what this report will look like, check our sample report.

So, the secret to making sure you can enjoy your new car purchase is to get the car's history. And the best way to do that is with a comprehensive vehicle history report from Free Revs Check Report.

The 5 questions you should answer before buying a used car in Australia

When buying a second-hand car, there are certain questions you need to answer before deciding on whether to move ahead. Otherwise, you could be in for a rude awakening and some nasty surprises that could cost you more money in the long run or even outright losing the vehicle.

So, before you buy, make sure you answer these 5 questions, so you know you have made a good decision.

1. Does the registration information match the vehicle?

Does the paperwork match what is actually on the car? Unscrupulous persons will try to sell stolen vehicles, so one red flag is the car rego details not matching the vehicle you're looking at.

2. Is the registration information current?

As you know, driving a vehicle with an expired registration is illegal. You will be fined or lose points on your licence - even if the vehicle isn't yours.

To avoid this, you can run a free rego check in the state in which the vehicle is registered or access it as part of a comprehensive car history report.

3. Has the vehicle ever been in an accident? Was it written-off?

Do you know if the vehicle is road-worthy? Were there damages that led to a write-off? Were those damages properly fixed and will not cost you in the long run while owning the vehicle?

A vehicle history check will provide this information.

4. Is there finance owing on the vehicle?

A quick way to lose your newly bought vehicle is by repossession due to an encumbrance. So, check that the car is debt-free.

You will need to run a PPSR check to find out if there is finance owing and to whom or which institution.

Then, to make sure nothing changes between the check and you concluding the sale, ensure to double-check as you're about to finalise.

The good thing about our finance checks is that you get up to 15 days for additional updates. So, if anything changes in relation to finance owing in the 15 days since you first ordered, you can find out at no additional cost.

5. Is the vehicle stolen?

You need to know if the seller of the vehicle is the actual owner. It could be registered as stolen. Then you could be faced with losing the vehicle and being charged for being in possession of stolen property.

Ready to answer these questions?

Make sure you order your Revs Check Report online.

Is a free registration check the same as a free REVs Check?

A registration check is an online review of registration-related matters that concern a vehicle. You can access this information online for free at various state websites. The free registration check provides the following information:

  • Registration info: You can verify that the registration number matches back to the description of the vehicle. It confirms that the make and model vehicle associated with the rego number is the same.
  • Status of the vehicle registration. It is illegal to drive an unregistered vehicle. If caught, this could lead to fines, demerit points on your licence, and even losing your licence.
  • Status of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance. A registration check can tell you if the vehicle is insured and when it expires.

Can I get a free registration check?

Yes, you certainly can get a free registration check. So, depending on the state the vehicle is in, here are your options.

  • Western Australia. A free vehicle history check WA is often just a free registration check. If that's all you need, head over to the WA Department of Transport website and select Vehicle rego check.
  • New South Wales. Free REVs check NSW is also just a registration check - not a full vehicle history report - and it's available online for free. To access this, simply go to Service NSW website.
  • Queensland. Like the others, free revs check QLD, is also only a free rego check online from the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
  • Victoria. In Victoria, the VicRoads website handles free registration checks. It doesn't offer free REVs check Vic.
  • South Australia. In SA, a rego check is free to access online at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure website. Like the others, it is not a free car history check in Australia.
  • Northern Territory. Check the registration information for a vehicle registered in NT by vising the NT government website.
  • Tasmania. The Tas Rego Check from the TAS Department of Transport also offers free registration checks on vehicles registered in the state.
  • Australian Capital Territory. Visit the Access Canberra motor vehicle registration page and click "Check Registration Details" for a free rego check on a vehicle registered in ACT.

But what if the information isn't showing up in the state I chose?

Then you need to order a REVs check report online. This report pulls information from all Australian states, so you don't need to know the registration state.

Plus, you get all the other information that's necessary to make a decision when buying a second-hand car. These are:

  • Stolen status check
  • Written-off check
  • Encumbrance/finance owing
  • Official PPSR certificate

So, how much is that worth for your peace of mind and the thousands of dollars you'll be spending?

Why can't I get my REVS Check free?

Many of us are still searching online for free revs check reports. Unfortunately, the only vehicle information you can find online for free is the registration information.

Why is this?

The Australian Government introduced a new online database to collect vehicle information from across the country. This is the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) Check system managed by the AFSA, and it replaced what we know as REVs Check. The new PPSR is a paid system, and therefore, free REVs Checks are a thing of the past.

But the new PPSR still carries the same information as the REVs Check Report, just with additional details that make buying a used car much safer.

Why can't I just use the free rego check?

Most states offer a rego check. But what about the other information that are just as important in your purchase decision?

You may also be wondering how to check if a car has finance owing for free. Or you want to find out if the car has a written-off past. That information is not available in a free registration check.

So, where do you get your REVS check info?

Information for our car history reports is generated from two official government sources - the PPSR and the NEVDIS databases.

NEVDIS stands for the National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System. This database exchanges information about vehicles and driver licenses across Australian state borders.

The PPSR collates information on secured interests that persons and institutions have in assets like a vehicle. So, when you're buying a car, if there's finance owing, it should be recorded in the PPSR database.

So why Free Revs Check Report Online?

Even though REVs check is no longer free, most Aussies still search for free REVs check online. So, we started our website to help them learn that it's no longer free and to give them the option for the most affordable online check.

So, go ahead and get your REVs check online. It is quick and easy, and gets you all the information you need to make a good decision on buying a used car.

Always run a Revs check before buying a used car.

It is a financially prudent habit and can save you from huge legal problems.

$9.90 Purchase Now !